• ChordSwitch

The CHORDSWITCH is an innovative plugin designed to generate complex chords
and adjust note scales according to the selected key.
Perfect for producers and musicians using Ableton Live with Max for Live,
this plugin revolutionizes music creation by simplifying the composition of harmonious chords and melodies.


What's New

ChordSwitch v1.6

    Version 1.6

  • Improvements:

    • You can now play multiple notes to generate chords in 'Next Chord Randomizer' mode.
    • A parameter to block low notes during random note generation has been added.

    Version 1.5

  • New modes added:

    • 8 new modes.
    • Dorian #4 Mode, Phrygian Dominant Mode, Lydian Dominant Mode, Lydian Augmented Mode,
      Bhairav Mode, Melodic Minor Ascending Scale, Melodic Minor Descending Scale, Hungarian Minor Scale
  • Bug Fixes:

    • Resolved an issue that could cause Ableton Live 12 to crash randomly when loading the plugin.
    • Fixed a conflict where black notes could cause note-on/note-off issues if a note and its sharp (#) were played simultaneously.
  • Improvements:

    • Updated button colors for optimal compatibility with Ableton Live 12 themes.

    Version 1.4

  • New modes added:

    • Now including six harmonic minor modes.
    • Harmonic Minor Scale, Locrian Nat. 6 Scale, Ionian Augmente Scale, Ukrainian Dorian Scale, Phrygian Dominant Scale, Lydian #2 Scale.
  • Next Chord Randomizer:

    • This new feature allows you to randomly generate the next chord,
      adding an element of surprise and creativity to your compositions.
  • Graphical interface upscaled:

    • The graphical interface has been upscaled for a better visual experience.

    Version 1.3

  • Mode selection function added:

    • The 7 major modes are available.
    • Major Scale, Dorian Mode, Phrygian Mode, Lydian Mode, Mixolydian Mode, Minor Scale, Locrian Mode.

    Version 1.2

  • New White Keys Engine:

    • This engine shifts notes while respecting major and minor scale intervals.
    • Allows easy playing with the white keys of a piano without hitting wrong notes.
  • Keyboard Splitting:

    • Option to split the keyboard to assign chords from note 0 to 59
      and solo notes from key 60 to 127.
  • Divine Engine:

    • For solo notes, this engine plays a selection of notes with calculated intervals around the played note randomly.
    • Ideal for playing on a keyboard without deep musical theory knowledge.
  • Randomization Function:

    • A specialized button that randomly alters plugin settings,
      instantly sparking new melodic concepts.
  • Pitch Adjustment:

    • Adjust pitches on each section individually:
      input pitch, chord pitch, solo note pitch, and output pitch.
  • MIDI Notes Display:

    • Built-in screen to visualize the MIDI notes input and output of the plugin.
  • Available Presets:

    • Includes 9 presets to quickly start with optimized configurations.
  • Improved Efficiency:

    • Groove and velocity separate functions have been removed from version 1.0 for smoother and more efficient operation.
    • Complete overhaul of chord sections for richer and more surprising harmonies.
  • Link Function:

    • Connects all my tools together, enabling instant changes to the musical scale.
  • Additional Tools:

    • Divine - Plays a selection of notes with carefully calculated intervals
      in a random manner around the played note, allowing for a more intuitive and worry-free musical experience.

      Divine v1.3

    • White Keys (Pro Edition) - Simplifies music creation by intelligently shifting the keyboard
      to allow playing using only the white keys, avoiding wrong notes.

      White Keys v1.4

    • Key Splitter - Divides the keyboard into assignable zones,
      enhancing flexibility in live performance and composition.

      Key Splitter v1.1

    • MIDI Visualizer - Provides real-time graphical visualization of MIDI data,
      helping to understand and adjust musical performances.

      MIDI Visualizer v1.1

    • Master Keys - A plugin that allows you to connect all my note-generating tools
      and control them with a central hub. Simply drag and drop it onto a MIDI track to get started.

      Master Keys v1.0

Included with Your Purchase

  • ChordSwitch v1.6
  • Divine v1.3
  • White Keys (Pro Edition) v1.4
  • Key Splitter v1.1
  • MIDI Visualizer v1.1
  • Master Keys v1.0


With CHORDSWITCH, generating complex chord progressions becomes a simple routine.
Whether you're a novice in music theory or an experienced musician,
this plugin provides you with the tools to explore new harmonies and melodies effortlessly.

Special Offer

A simplified version of ChordSwitch, the MiniSwitch Edition,
is available for free in a software pack that I offer.

Enhance your music creation process with CHORDSWITCH
and discover endless harmonious possibilities. Buy it now and transform your composition experience!

Note: Only compatible with Ableton Live with Max for Live.

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  • Product Code: ChordSwitch
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 19.99€

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Tags: chord, chords, midi, midi tools, chordswitch, divine, white keys, ableton live, max for live